Executive Administration Requirements

Students must meet the following criteria

English Language Proficiency

(Canadian Language Benchmark Level for student whose first language is not English) prior to admission, including students educated in Canada. Specific English test required:

  • A level of 6 and above in the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB), or,

  • A score of 6 and above in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or

  • A score of 15 or above in the Wonderlic – SLE

  • Successful interview with the College

Mature Students

  • Must be 18 years or older,

  • Must complete an academic achievement test to determine required competency. It is required that it should be a standard Wonderlic test with a minimum score of 20 and above, or a GED test with a standard score of 520 in Language Arts, Reading/Writing/Math